Sunday, February 27, 2011

FOUR [late] Games!

I think this breaks the record for lateness, the first 2 games being almost 2 weeks ago. Still, I have the results!

February 13th
Seymour vs. Grizzlies
Final Score: 
Seymour 12-Grizzlies 32

February 13th
Hawks vs. Magic
Final Score:
Hawks 34-Magic 21

February 20th
Seymour vs. Heat
Final Score:
Seymour 32-Heat 18

February 20th
Hawks vs. Grizzlies
Final Score:
Hawks 24-Grizzlies 25

Now starting with Seymour vs. Grizzlies. This game was a disaster. We didn't rebound at all. We didn't set enough picks either. We had a really bad day, normally we might lose against them but only by a few points. This was easily Seymour's worst game of the season. However, our next game was better, so it wasn't too bad.

Next, Hawks vs. Magic. This was, I'd say, one of our best games. It wasn't my day but it sure was the day of some other people. We really played good defense. We covered the picks, covered the key while still covering man to man. Overall great game, great defense, great rebounding, and, most importantly of all, we scored the most.

Seymour vs. Heat was a great game. Although at some points we weren't covering the picks well enough, we made up for it in offense. We made lots of great plays, which, result in baskets. We played defense pretty well and also got rebounds a lot. The thing is, however, some of Heat's best players play U-13. The priority is U-13 so, we had some of there best players.

Finally, Hawks vs. Grizzlies. The end was pretty disappointing. We had been leading for around the last 10 minutes but in the 2nd last minute, they scored. This put them up by 1 point. We were scrambling. We had around 40 seconds. Then, with 15 seconds, they stripped the ball from us and just chucked it out of bounds. They don't stop the clock so time ran out while the ball wasn't in play. Still, we don't usually win against the Grizzlies, and we played pretty well.

These were pretty good games, especially for the Hawks. Today(Feb 27) I had a tournament. There were 4 mini games(Only 20 minutes long). I'm going to post results soon, hopefully tomorrow. For now I'm saying nothing about results.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wizards and Heat...

I'm back for another (late) post.

February 6th
Seymour vs. Heat
Final Score:
Seymour 34-Heat 18

February 6th
Hawks vs. Wizards
Final Score:
Hawks 17-Wizards 40

Well at least Seymour played well. We rebounded pretty well, defended well and shot well. At many points in the game, we defended so well that they were only taking jump-shots. They wouldn't try to drive in for a lay up. This is the ideal way to be playing defense, as while some jump-shots will go in, most won't. There really wasn't a ton to say about this game. We played well and that's that, hopefully we'll play well at our next game.

We didn't play well against the Wizards however. That team is one of the fastest in the league. This means when you are defending if they haven't used their dribble, stand a couple feet back so that they don't drive right by you. We also didn't help out on defense all that much. I think we didn't have very good luck on shots. Anyway, hopefully we'll beat Magic.

Upcoming game:
February 13th
Seymour vs. Grizzlies

Upcoming game:
February 13th
Hawks vs. Magic

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heat and Grizzlies...

Here we go, another blog post. I find it kind of funny how I was against the same two teams as last week. I was on a my other team for both these games though.

January 30th
Seymour vs. Grizzlies
Final Score:
Seymour 22-Grizzlies 34

 January 30th
Hawks vs. Heat
Final  Score:
Hawks 17-Heat 40

First game wasn't good, second game wasn't good. Our rebounding definitely needed work against the Grizzlies. They are also very tall, which meant we would need to use a tactic known as boxing out. This is when somebody makes a shot, you stand facing the hoop between a player and the hoop. You push them out from the hoop. In theory, if the whole team boxed out, there would never be any competition for rebounds. Unfortunately it never does work this way, as usually somebody on the other team avoided getting boxed out. For us however, nobody was boxing out, meaning that they almost always got the rebound. Another thing we didn't do well was at some points we would try and cross pass it. These almost always get intercepted.

Hawks game wasn't too good either. One thing was that we missed a lot of shots. Some shots that are right up close you just can't miss. We missed a bunch of them however. We got picked off a bunch of times as well, while our picks were rarely successful. We had nobody boxing out either as well. They got a lot more rebounds then we did. They have 2 players that are particularly good. We didn't have enough defense against these players, while there were other people that were over covered.

Upcoming game:
February 6th
Seymour vs. Heat

Upcoming game:
February 6th
Hawks vs. Magic