Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Previous Three Games

Well it's Mitchell, for my first post. I will mainly talk about the October 25th basketball of Dorothy Lynas vs. Sherwood park.

October 25th 
Sherwood Park at Dorothy Lynas
Final Score:
27 Sherwood- 16 Lynas

I think a big reason we lost was our rebounding in the first half of the game. Many of the rebounds went to Sherwood. Our defense needed improvement, and our shots were not from good spots. There was also too much fouling. Our team got many fouls, while they got few fouls. One person, had 3 fouls in the first 4 minutes. I still say he helped the team a lot though, as he got most of the rebounds that we did get, while being fast and aggressive. I would give Jordan Player of the Game.

Previous two games:

October 18th 
Dorothy Lynas at Ross Road
Final Score:
28 Ross Road-14 Lynas

September 27th
Dorothy Lynas at Blueridge
Final Score:
41 Lynas-13 Blueridge

Well the Ross Road game was definitely disappointing, their gym wasn't normal. It had 6 hoops but they weren't on the two ends, rather they were along the side this meant that the gym was difficult to play in. It was mostly similar to the Sherwood Park game.

We did a lot better against Blueridge, with a crushing 41-13 win. We did most things well that game, and I think we deserved that win. We didn't foul much, we were aggressive for rebounds, and most importantly of all, we had good defense. Our shots were much better than our other two games, so I think that we played much better than the last two games.

Upcoming game:
November 1st
Seymour Hts. at Dorothy Lynas


  1. Yay! I voted for Dorothy Lynas for the vote.

  2. Great start to your blog, Mitchell! I think it's great that we get to read about one of our local teams. I got to see 20 minutes or so of yesterday's game against Sherwood Park. I saw you play a full shift and you played really well! Best of luck against Seymour Heights on Monday! Hopefully I can make it out to part of the game :)

  3. Mitchell, too bad that Dorothy Lynas did not win against Ross Road and Sherwood Park. But good job for defeating Blueridge! I hope your team does well in the upcoming game too, against Seymour Heights.
    You mentioned the gyms that weren't quite the same as ours. I'm trying to picture it in my mind and I think I understand what you mean by no hoops on the two ends.
    Good job! Keep on posting!

  4. Hey, Mitche lle this blog is pretty cool and a good detailed analisys of the games and I think this will be a good way for people like me who don't go to the games to too follow the Dorothy Lynas Dragons I also like all the scores you put up. Might I suggest you get your mom or somebody to take pictures or even videos of the game and post them on your blog that would be really cool. When are you going to make your next post? also have you guys made the playoffs? And what are you going to do when the Dorothy Lynas Dragons season ends? I also find it funny how everybody voted Dorothy Lynas to beat Seymour Heights by the way who won that game?
    On another note I like your blogs formatting I think suits the subject. Also what was you inspiration for this blog? Anyways is this ten lines I really hope so because my last comment was less than 10 lines and when I deleted it it deleted everything yes everything! Anyways bye :) :l :}

  5. Thanks guys! I haven't gotten around to it but the results of the Lynas-Seymour Hts. game should be up soon. For now, it will be a surprise the results :P. Also, since this was our last game, I will be switching to the Steve Nash Youth League games. I've got a game today.

    Wish me luck :P.

    (Note: This is not a marked comment)
