Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lynas-Seymour Hts. Game Results

I'm back with results of another game.

November 1st
Seymour Hts. at Dorothy Lynas
Final Score:
Lynas 27-Seymour Hts. 21

Well we certainly played well. Our rebounding was great, we kept fouling to a minimum, and played great position defense. For those who don't know basketball real well, on defense, rather then standing in front of a player without the ball, you stand in between them and the hoop. This way, you can help out should another player get a break to the hoop, while still being able to check the player without the ball. For the most part, we did this well. We played much better offence as well.

At this point, that was our last game of the season. Most teams still have a game on Monday the 8th. We have a bye however on that day, so this is our last game. From this point on, I will post results of the Steve Nash League Games. My team is the Hawks. Today(November 7th) I have a game. I have a game every week on Sunday. Note that there are no home-away teams, as all games are played at Parkgate.

Upcoming Game:
November 7th
Hawks vs. Wizards

EDIT: Sorry for the late post. For this reason there will be no poll for the Hawks-Wizards game as it starts in a couple hours.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog Mitchell!
    I can't belive we beat seymore heights!
    Good lick on your game!
    You have a good style of writting.
    Also good luck in the games to come for you!
    Keep on blogging
