Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another TWO Games

It's Mitchell again. I had two games today, the second ending around 40 minutes ago. Thought last week's game was as exciting as it gets? Wrong. Today my second game, was one of the most exciting games I've ever played.

November 21st
Hawks vs. Magic
Final Score:
Hawks 36- Magic 22

November 21st
Hawks vs. Heat
Final Score:
Hawks 29- Heat 26

First, the Hawks-Magic game. We did great against them. Excellent rebounding, shooting, and passing. I think the score showed us playing better than we were though. They still played well and we still needed to try hard to beat them. I think that wasn't there game. We've played them before and they did better than today. I scored three times, almost scoring a fourth.

Now, the Hawks-Heat game. Some of this team has been together for two years, this being the third. In all the games I've played against them, I had never won. Until now. Very exciting game, for most of the game it was a one-point difference. It kept going back and forth. Finally in the last five minutes we pulled ahead, with a couple quick baskets. This was more than an exciting game. It went back and forth many times. I scored three times again, two of them being in a row.

Upcoming game:
November 28th
Hawks vs. Wizards

Sunday, November 14, 2010

TWO Games

I'm back with not one, but TWO games. Well, that's because I'm posting really, really, really, really late but anyway.

November 7th
Hawks vs. Wizards
Final Score:
Hawks ???-Wizards ???

November 14th
Hawks vs. Grizzlies
Final Score:
Hawks 34-Grizzlies 38

I am really sorry about November 7th because I've forgotten the score because it was so long ago. I guess from now on I'll write down the score the second the game is over, even if I won't be writing yet. All I can say is this: we lost. We didn't just lose, we lost by a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. At the end of the first half I think we were something like 20-6. We did better in the second half at least, almost playing them equally. We were still nowhere near them but if you just count the second half we didn't lose by a lot.

The November 14th game was by far the most exciting of the year. We were rebounding much, much better and we took more shots, played better defense etc. I scored three baskets. The first was almost a perfect shot, being from right on the block. It hit the corner of the backboard and went in. My second shot was at an odd angle. It was at about 10 degrees from their baseline. That's a spot where it's hard to knock it off the backboard but is still hard to swish.  My third was in the second half, and the shot a bit further out then the first, but pretty similar.

At the end of the first half, we were winning 20-16. I don't really know what we did wrong in the second half. In the first half we out rebounded them by a fair bit. In the second half this wasn't the case at all. They had some really tall players. Overall we played well.

Upcoming game:
November 21st
Hawks vs. Magic

Upcoming game:
November 21st
Hawks vs. Heat

 Note: The poll for the game will be posted when I hear who we are playing.

EDIT: It turns out we have two games this week.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lynas-Seymour Hts. Game Results

I'm back with results of another game.

November 1st
Seymour Hts. at Dorothy Lynas
Final Score:
Lynas 27-Seymour Hts. 21

Well we certainly played well. Our rebounding was great, we kept fouling to a minimum, and played great position defense. For those who don't know basketball real well, on defense, rather then standing in front of a player without the ball, you stand in between them and the hoop. This way, you can help out should another player get a break to the hoop, while still being able to check the player without the ball. For the most part, we did this well. We played much better offence as well.

At this point, that was our last game of the season. Most teams still have a game on Monday the 8th. We have a bye however on that day, so this is our last game. From this point on, I will post results of the Steve Nash League Games. My team is the Hawks. Today(November 7th) I have a game. I have a game every week on Sunday. Note that there are no home-away teams, as all games are played at Parkgate.

Upcoming Game:
November 7th
Hawks vs. Wizards

EDIT: Sorry for the late post. For this reason there will be no poll for the Hawks-Wizards game as it starts in a couple hours.